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Tuesday | October 26, 2021
2:00 pm: Escort The Wall That Heals from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Stake Center to MMRC. View Route
2:45 pm: Arrival Ceremony
Wednesday | October 27, 2021
8:30 am : Set up The Wall
Thursday | October 28, 2021
12:01 am: The Wall Opens For Viewing - 24 Hours a Day
5:15 pm: Taps
Friday | October 29, 2021
The Wall is Open 24 Hours For Viewing
5:25 pm: Taps
Saturday | October 30, 2021
The Wall is Open 24 Hours For Viewing
1:00 pm: 50th Anniversary of The Vietnam War Pinning Ceremony
5:25 pm: Taps
Sunday | October 31, 2021
The Wall is Open For Viewing Until 2:00pm
1:30 pm: Closing Ceremony with Taps
Where will The Wall That Heals be located in Pinetop-Lakeside, AZ ?"The Wall That Heals will be located at Mountain Meadow Recreation Complex. Mountain Meadow Recreation Complex 1101 S Woodland Rd, Lakeside, AZ 85929. View in google maps: click here
When can I visit The Wall That Heals?Once open, you can access The Wall That Heals 24 hours a day.
Do I need tickets to come to The Wall That Heals?No. This is a free event. You do not need tickets or reservatons.
Are there any COVID restrictons when visiting The Wall?There are currently NO covid restrictions when visiting The Wall.
Where do I park?Mountain Meadow Recreation Complex provides ample parking for all attendees, including handicap spaces.
May I leave a momento at The Wall?Yes, You may leave small momentos at The Wall. All items that are left will the gathered and secured by The Town of Pinetop-Lakeside. We will not be able to return any items.
Will there be restrooms available?Yes, there will be restrooms and handwashing stations available to all visitors. (ADA complient)
Is there a fee to do a rubbing of The Wall?No. Supplies to do a rubbing of The Wall will be provided free of charge. Volunteers will be available to assist you with gathering the supllies and locating the desired name on The Wall.
Will there be any food vendors?No. There will not be any food or drink vendors at the event site. We respectfully ask that visitors do not bring food or drinks with them to the event.
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